Monday, July 31, 2006

I am Blessed

Life has been so good to me.

After all the dark and gloomy days, the sun will shine one day... yes... it will. Believe me.

After all the tears, worries and endless questions, HE will show you the light, give you answers, grant your prayers and shower you with a lot of blessings. Just when you thought you cannot handle your problems anymore, he will lift your spirit and make you whole again. Other people will say that God is testing you with all these obstacles in life, but i strongly disagree. He won't do that. He is just preparing us to be a better person so that one day, when the right time comes, and he's ready to hand over his big surprise, we will be deserving to receive it. Well, i've just received mine 8 months ago.
Dave is everything i've prayed for. With each passing day, i love him more and more. More than that, He makes we want to become a better person.
So BE PATIENT. I've waited for 26 years and 11 months (to be exact).. but it's worth it.
Remember, His timetable is often different from ours, but is ALWAYS BETTER. :-D(Grin!)

pink scissors at 8:12 AM



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