Thursday, September 21, 2006
I am happy.. and the people i love are happy.. For the past few days of my life, i've rediscovered myself and was able to bring back the 'old ebeth'. Happiness.. the infectious kind that radiates from within. I'm sure you'd like to ask me how it happened.. but i honestly don't know. One day, when i woke up, it dawned on me that i am so blessed to be stressed, worried and irritated. My guess is that it all stems from my realization that i need to start loving myself. Do the right thing. Quit bad habits ;-) and start a new life. In 2 months, i'll be turning 28 (yaiks!) and i wouldn't waste a single day of this gift.. no more. Hey, i'm not saying i'd be the 'kill-joy manang' haha. But come to think of it, there are other things you could do to make life exciting. Here's a little secret: Look back on the days when you use to go to school (yes! the elementary and HS days), life is simple but you're happy. You enjoy the simple things back then. So why not live a life like that? It's never too late to start anew. :-) pink scissors at 11:29 PM