Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Oh Germany!
A week ago, i went to Germany for a business trip. It's my second time to visit the Wella Head Office and nothing much has changed. Everything looks so familiar and the food in the cafeteria is still the same (i love it actually!) :-) The only thing that's new is that i travelled with my Dengers (a.k.a Ricca) so it made the long trip a whole lot of fun! Before reaching Germany, we literally encountered 'a series of unfortunate events'. Hahaha! First, we missed our connecting flight from Amsterdam to Frankfurt because of the long line in the immigration counters and the new security rule, where you have to place all liquid and gel items inside a ziplock plastic bag (maximum of 100 ml containers!). Sobrang hassle, some people had to leave their items at the airport cause they were not allowed to carry it with them in the plane (This rule applies to EU countries only). We were supposed to take the 8:40pm flight going to Frankfurt and since we only have an hour to get ourselves into the plane, we missed it by 2 minutes because of the delay! Talk about EU time and Filipino time! We went to the transfer desk where i almost fainted when i heard that the next flight to Frankfurt will be at 8:40 am, the next day. What are we going to do with the remaining 12 hours??? Ricca and I had dinner for about 2 hours, then we loiter around the airport for about 1 hour, then we found this huge couch and spent 6 hours sleeping on them. At 5:45AM, the lounge is already open so we had breakfast for about an hour... (nakaka 10 hours na!) Then we went to the boarding gate just to be sure that we will not miss it this time! And so, off we go to Germany! Sobrang antok ako, i can feel my seatmate staring at me.. kasi naman may 'head-bang na nagaganap pero keber. I am soooo tired. When we reached Frankfurt, eto na.. Ricca's red luggage is missing! Someone assisted us and after the long wait, she informed us that Ricca's bag is in the luggage deposit room in Terminal 2. My Gahd! We were in terminal 1 and i had to carry my luggage as we took the train going to Terminal 2. Parusa talaga. Ricca asked me to stay in one place as she looked for her luggage. Sobrang hassle. After about one hour, she finally found the bag and we took a cab to go to the Hotel. When we arrived at the Hotel, i was floating and i felt like vomitting sa sobrang pagod. I have fever and I was shivering so i went to bed to sleep. I had the longest sleep in my entire life. haha! I slept from 12:30pm-Sunday to 6am-Monday (almost 18 hours ata?) - which means i skipped lunch and dinner on Sunday. In between sleep, i woke up and took paracetamol.
We took some pictures while we shiver on the quiet streets of this dark and gloomy town called Darmstadt. Hehe. Everyday, we struggle to reach the office by walking along Berliner Allee, with the 5 degree temperature and 'ala milenyo' wind almost blowing us away. *arrgggh* Being raised in a tropical country, parusa talaga. haha! Inspite of all these, Ricca and I managed to enjoy our week long stay in Germany. We discovered this restaurant called "Braustubl" just across the hotel. Ang happy. We both don't know why... but this place is so cozy. When you're inside, you suddenly forget that you're about 10,270km away from home. And they serve the best beer I've ever tasted. I don't drink beer but it taste good. haha! Its a mixture of lemon juice and beer so it doesn't really taste like the usual beer. And since the only available drinking water in Europe is sparkling water, Ricca and I have our own mini-bar in the hotel *wink* Wag na tanungin kung saan, basta its so funny. On our last night, we got the chance to go to Luisenplatz (the shopping mall in Darmstadt). We took the bus in front of the hotel (hula-hula) and on our way back, we took the tram (hula-hula pa rin). galing! clap clap clap! :-)
I had a good time in Germany. I would not say i'm looking forward to go back there again, but this time around i learned to appreciate it a little more. :-)
pink scissors at 12:12 AM