Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i'm sorry but i can't help it...i dream about z4.. hahaha! sigh. :-) z4...z4...z4... zzzzzzz
pink scissors at 11:07 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

August 21 is a non-working holiday in Manila... NO WORK.. so you could just imagine how excited i am last friday, looking forward to a long, wonderful weekend. Well it was a happy one. Last friday, we had our year-end closing party at strumms.. Thanks to my wonderful friends who made the predictable-yearly-event, a memorable one. Dave and I had to leave the place early cause we need to pack our things, we're going to Villa Escudero (early sat morning) for the BMW club fun run! wooohooo!

And so we're off to Villa Escudero. Dave fetched me at around 6am and we went to Petron SLEX to meet the other guys. Nice, flashy, toys for the big boys. Well it was supposed to be a fun run, but it turned out to be a race in the narrow streets of Batangas on our way to Villa Escudero. I can't blame them, how can you resist stepping in the gas pedal of speed demons like m3, z3 and z4? Whew! i guess i'm learning from my tart. I have to admit that i'm beginning to develop this special love for bimmers (hala ka! mahal yan!) :-) After bimmer's photo shoot, we got the chance to go around Villa Escudero. Nothing much has changed.We had lunch at the waterfalls, then we visited some of the cottages and the pool. We even got the chance to see their honeymoon suite called 'katakataka'. Hahaha! Don't ask me why its called that way ;-) The carabaos named Pogi, Sexy, Mahinhin, and Madonna are still there. Though i doubt that they're the same carabaos i saw when i first visited the place. Maybe the name stays with the 'karwahe' (sorry di ko alam ang english don e). Hehehe... It was a long and tiring day.. but its all worth it. Dave and I have new found friends. I'm happy.
pink scissors at 11:17 PM

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Man Hole
If the idea of a "perfect person" is not true, then certainly, there are no perfect relationships and perfect couples in this world.and i agree with that.
I am not even close to being perfect. I have my mood swings, my unexplainable 'pagsusungit' and exploding temper at times.. but people close to my heart knows that there's more to love about me. (nakow!!!)
I think the same principle applies to everyone. You just have to be patient with people you love and care for. Being committed (romantically or even as a friend), means that you will accept them for whoever they are. Misunderstandings and Differences are man holes that could trap and kill you. Don't let it get in the way, any disputes should be settled and every argument you get yourself into should give you a lesson that will help you become a better person.
Tart and I have argued several times. And it gave way to numerous discussions about insecurity, assurance, and sensitiveness. I am proud to say that through all these small, petty problems, our relationship grew stronger and we became more open to each other. Sometimes, people tend to be too emotional and they develop a 'nonsense-let me win!' way of rationalizing things. But after contemplating on the situation, you realize that both of you makes sense. You learn from each other. And it is for this reason, that you love your partner more and more.
A relationship is a partnership, you're there to help the other person grow.
So after all the blah blah.. what i'm really trying to say is that in every relationship, PATIENCE is the key. It lets you listen, think, and understand.
Patience is like water. It goes downhill quickly, but there's abundant supply. You just have to learn how to give more. ;-)
Think about it.
PS: i love you my dave. hihihi.
pink scissors at 12:17 AM

Monday, August 14, 2006
My Stars

When you go out on a fair-weathered night and look up the sky, you’d see plenty of stars. Some are brighter and bigger than the others… but they are all beautiful. They all sparkle as you sleep tightly through the long and quiet night.
Stars are jewels in the sky...
Friends are like stars...
…Just as how I am amazed with how God filled the vast skies with stars, I wonder how we find true, loving friends in such a big world. (I certainly believe they are God’s gift!)
…Just as how I stand in awe of their brilliance, I’m thankful that my friends know how to brighten up the gloomiest days of my life!
…Just as how I am astonished with the calmness of the night, I gratefully praise God for giving me wonderful stars!
Sometimes I don’t get to see some of my friends. But just like stars, I know they are out there – reminding me that at the darkest moments of my life, a tiny beacon of light still shines through.
…Just as how I am amazed with how God filled the vast skies with stars, I wonder how we find true, loving friends in such a big world. (I certainly believe they are God’s gift!)
…Just as how I stand in awe of their brilliance, I’m thankful that my friends know how to brighten up the gloomiest days of my life!
…Just as how I am astonished with the calmness of the night, I gratefully praise God for giving me wonderful stars!
Sometimes I don’t get to see some of my friends. But just like stars, I know they are out there – reminding me that at the darkest moments of my life, a tiny beacon of light still shines through.
And I love each one of them.
Friends are the jewels of my life.
Friends are the jewels of my life.
mwah! mwah!
pink scissors at 2:01 AM

Friday, August 11, 2006
When it strikes...

Down and Low
I wish everyone, every single person in this world will be happy. I am not sure if something’s wrong with me.. but being happy while seeing other people suffering gives me the Down and Low feeling. Sheesh, I guess I’m not that selfish after all.
Clueless, I don’t know what to do… or maybe there’s nothing to do.
I think I have a problem – I think I think too much. Poor girl.

Happy Birthday Nanay!
pink scissors at 12:58 AM

Roller Coasters

Its my favorite ride…
Everytime I go to a theme park, the sight of the huge tracks make me wonder with awe and it makes my jaw drop with anticipation of how thrilling it would be to experience the ride. It does make your stomach churn and leaves you with a spinning head afterwards, but believe me.-- it’s all worth it. Its happiness, and care-free feeling combined… but the most fulfilling of all is being able to conquer your fear.
Life and Roller Coasters are the same. There’s the slow upward climb, the sudden drop and the horrifying turns. You’re in for surprises, a lot of thrills and laughter. I had my share of the roller coaster ride. I’ve experienced a lot of fun and downfall along the way. There’s a lot of risky decisions that you need to make and inevitable situations that you need to deal with.
I just hope I won’t fall off from the roller coaster before my ride ends. I’m hanging on.
pink scissors at 12:38 AM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
You are the one

You are the one that i've been searching for my whole life through
You are the one that i've been looking for
and now that i have found you
I'll never let you go,
i'll hold you in my arms
'coz you are the one

...di naman ako masyado inlab dyan e, di talaga! tignan mo, di obvious. ahihihi.
pink scissors at 2:53 AM